Firearm range and gun club software today needs to have a comprehensive CRM (client relationship management) to grow customers. track and view complete client profiles with their status, enrollment or membership history, progress, purchases, payments, balances, segmentation, preferences and all the communications. In addition:
  • The Bizzflo gun range CRM creates and tracks clients by segmenting them into groups using customer tags.
  • The firearm range and gun club CRM allows you to track and chart the progress of each of your range or club clients using forms, agreements, waivers, certifications, class/course completions, all in their client profile.
  • Use the firearm range and gun club CRM to capture client notes to be viewed only by you or your staff. Share notes with clients when needed.
  • Using the Bizzflo firearm range and gun club CRM you can create and capture intake or consent forms, waivers, training and other agreements for your firearm range and gun club and make it easily available and accessible in their client profile.
  • The Bizzflo firearm range and gun club CRM provides a client portal to each of your firearm range and gun club clients to access their range appointments, class registrations, purchases, notes, contracts, waivers, agreements, instructions, payments and outstanding balances, at all times.
  • Create alerts in the system for your firearm range and gun club clients that will be available to you when they make appointments or purchases to warn you of specific status or task to be followed up.
  • Use firearm range and gun club CRM to create tasks and activities and track them for yourself and your range staff.
  • Configure and use the Customer Quick View in the calendar to provide the range staff immediate information on clients membership status, waiver status, emergency contact, and completeness of their profile information.
  • Configure new client onboarding requirements and make it available to the special Customer Onboarding screen to capture basic information as well as forms and agreements to be signed.