Gun Range Membership Management

Bizzflo Gun range and gun club software can be used to create and manage range (or club) memberships and allow customers to redeem membership benefits online or at the range/store. Bizzflo allows for different types and level of memberships, with privileges and benefits at individual and group levels. Collect payments automatically on a recurring basis for subscriptions, or upfront payment for fully paid-up memberships.

Following features are available for setting up gun range or club memberships in the Bizzflo software platform:


Range Membership Types

In the Bizzflo platform you can create four different types of memberships. Create and manage Individual, family, group or corporate memberships. Individual memberships as it implies will be for a singular person whereas family members can include “X” number of family members where “X” is determined by you. For additional members you can configure additional payments as necessary. Same for group and corporate memberships. Family members do not need their own account whereas Group and Corporate members do.


Range Membership Levels

Within each membership type, individual, family etc. you also have the option of creating additional levels with varying degrees of benefits. Example would be Silver Individual, Gold Individual or Silver Family, Gold Family etc. A Gold family membership could include more family members in the group at no additional cost for example, or could see more discount percentage benefits.

range membership levels

Membership Initiation (or Registration) Fee

Initiation or Registration fee for any type and level of membership can be added while creating memberships. The system at checkout for both online and in the POS will know to collect a higher upfront that includes the initiation fee and set the subscription up only for the recurring amount. This is calculated and displayed automatically by the system online, and nothing needs to be done or adjusted by the sales clerk at the time of checkout in the POS as well. There could be additional initiation fees as more members get added to the current memberships at a later date.


Subscription vs. Full Range Memberships

Most memberships are usually subscription based but you could also have the rare Lifetime memberships, Employee memberships or even temporary full, paid upfront memberships. These memberships are either fully paid upfront or there is no payment involved. These are managed and displayed in the system separately from subscription memberships. They can still be configured to provide similar benefits. Memberships can be configured such that they automatically expire after the contractual period or in case of Lifetime memberships, they would never expire (unless deleted or canceled).


Payment Anniversary vs 1st of the Month

Monthly Or Annual Subscriptions can be configured to be paid on the anniversary of membership date or on a specific date (of the month or year). Memberships are signed on a daily basis, and if membership subscriptions are to be charged on specific days (1st or the 15th of the month, then it becomes critical for the POS to calculate a pro-rated amount for the first month (or year). Bizzflo POS automatically calculates the pro-rated amount and makes it available for the transaction.


Managing Range Subscriptions

The Bizzflo subscription management allows the membership team to manage all aspects of a subscription, all in one place. Updating membership status, putting membership on hold, freezing or delaying payment, updating payment methods or credit cards, changing subscription payment date, updating enrollment dates, canceling a subscription, upgrading or downgrading a membership, adding or updating additional members to a family, group or corporate membership, adding notes etc all can be done through the one Manage Subscription page available in Bizzflo membership management.


Managing Subscription Payments & Declines

Subscriptions in Bizzflo can be auto-charged to credit cards or ACH, or invoices can be sent to members, where subscriptions are not setup for auto-charge. For those that are setup for auto-charge, Bizzflo charges those subscriptions on a daily basis (i.e. a system job checks if any subscription needs to be charged). If a credit card gets declined, an email is sent to the member to update their card and complete payment. An email is sent internally to the membership team as well. If the member fails to update the card and make the payment, the system will attempt to charge the card the second day as well and repeat the process. After the third unsuccessful day/attempt, the membership is put on hold, and the member informed. The membership team is also informed of the same, and now is the time that the membership team can follow up to get the subscription back online.


Configuring Membership Benefits

Membership benefits are configured for each membership level when they are created. Additional benefits can also be added at a later time, and retroactively applied to all the members who have purchased prior. Discounts can be provided as an amount or percentage and can be provided at any level – all services or products or training classes, certain service/class or product categories or for specific services, classes and products. There is a lot of flexibility in configuring benefits, such as allowing benefits for certain days (weekdays vs weekends) or certain times, limited to certain quantities per day or month or unlimited, and so on.


Membership Benefits Redemption Online and in POS

Membership benefits can be redeemed by members online or in the POS when they are at the range/store. Once the benefits are configured for each membership, they get automatically applied at the checkout time both online and in the POS as long as the membership is active and all the conditions are met. In certain cases there might be additional benefits available where the customer can choose which one to use.


Membership Dashboard

The membership dashboard in Bizzflo provides a summary of key information for subscriptions and memberships for Range and Store owners and managers. The count of subscriptions (payments) and memberships (actual members including family, group, corporate) and the run-rate values are summarized on the dashboard. So are daily operational counts of daily subscription charges and declines. Additionally, all memberships that got created, got canceled, got paid, or went on hold are available.


Membership Forms and Agreements

Memberships forms and agreements can be easily managed in the Bizzflo platform. Forms and agreements can be created or updated and linked to any element including memberships in the system. They can be signed by the customer at the time of purchase online or at the kiosk when they are at the range.

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