The Bizzflo Gym Dynamic Response System (DRS) is a powerful way to streamline marketing and operational communications for your gym or club, creating a seamless flow of information for your clients and for your staff.
Automate delivery of marketing material, events or program information, daily or weekly physical or dietary regimen to be followed by your clients, or videos and instructions delivered based on a pre-set schedule. Following are examples where the gym DRS could be very useful:
  • For current gym members or when clients book a gym appointment or sign up for an event or a program in the gym scheduler, automate the delivery of instructional or preparatory material on a daily, weekly (time interval of your choosing) all the way up to the day of the event.
  • Gym Client or prospect expresses interest on your website or landing page. Add them to a series of messages in the gym marketing funnel till they sign up. Once signed up tag them as a client and remove them from getting further marketing messages.
  • Gym client signs up to learn about a new program on your website. Automate the delivery of the program information and benefits on a regular - daily or weekly videos and instructions for them to purchase.
  • Add prospective clients from Social Media, landing pages, website or direct email campaign into the gym software funnel and drip automated follow ups.
  • The gym dynamic responder can also be attached to any client purchasing behavior, via tagging, and appropriate communication such as instructions or additional marketing information can be delivered on a planned basis.

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