The Bizzflo medical spa software provides you with a dynamic form builder, which allows for the creation of in-take forms, waivers, agreements and contracts that would be needed for you to conduct your business. The biggest advantage of this would be to capture all documents electronically within the patient’s profile that is readily accessible when needed. This means that:
  • The Bizzflo medical spa form builder allows you to create a form using an already provided basic form template or you can start a new one from scratch.
  • You can define right at the outset if you are building a form, agreement or a contract and categorize them as such. You could also change the form type at any time, even after they have been completed.
  • A configuration screen allows you to define the CSS (look and feel) of the entire form, including header fonts, size, colors and the background of the form itself.
  • The form builder allows you to create multiple sections with section headers, configure the section sequence and the look and feel of the section itself.
  • You can add various types of elements such as short texts, paragraphs, static html texts, radio buttons, check boxes and other form elements.
  • Sub-elements are allowed to be created to allow patients to further elaborate their responses in radio buttons and check boxes.
  • You can integrate the form responses with the med spa CRM, through tags. Specific responses can be tagged to track customer responses and hence demographic or behavior can be used to further segment your patients.
  • The Bizzflo form builder allows you to map specific fields to the Bizzflo med spa CRM, such that if the field is already available, it will be automatically populated in the form when the form is deployed – this is useful to fill the customer’s name and basic profile information, when needed. In addition, the mapping allows the reverse entry of information from the form into the CRM.
  • The med spa form allows for the integration of graphical elements within a form, which means that and image can be added to the med spa form to capture specific patient issues that require treatment. This picture can also be annotated using free hand drawing or by adding textual notes.

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